Today I realized that lately I have been really selfish. Maybe not just lately...but for a long time. I really thought that the world was revolving around me, and if something bad happened it had to affect everyone around me. I know realize how childish that is. Just because something made me upset doesn't mean I need to let the whole world know, just so I can get some sympathy.
I don't know why one bad thing made my whole world seem like it was ending.My life is going so good right now,
-Its I-Days in Alpha Phi and I have already grown so much closer to some of my sisters. I love all of them and whenever I am with them I am so happy. Most people don't understand why Alpha Phi is so important to me but that doesnt really matter, I love it!!
-My brother just got off his mission! I called him the other day and we just talked about what was going on. It was so much fun. I love having him home and having another best friend to add to me life!
-I am part of a group called STIL ( i think) Im going to be representing greek life at SUU, I have a photo shoot soon, I get to blog about activites and just be involved at SUU. I love being involved and am so grateful for this oppertunity!
-Miss Lehi is starting! Last year I wasn't sure if I wanted to do it, but right now I am so PUMPED! I am going to try to get all my paperwork done by Easter! So I don't have to worry about it during finals week or something lame!! Plus my sister is on the Outstanding Teen committe so she is going to be there like the whole time! I am so lucky. :)
-I've been working out and eating better this whole week and it just makes me feel really good and have even more energy!
-My friends are amazing! Even when I was having a bit of a selfish moment my friends where sticking up for me. They didn't have to, but they did....I love them for that.
-I'm going to California for spring break! So far every year...for along time I have done something fun! Mexico, Oregon, New York, and now California! I can't wait.
Anyway.... There are so many reasons why I am happy right now! My life is going perfect and even though it took me a couple days to get back to normal, I think I can finally stop being crazy and sad!
Love all of you!!